Thursday, September 20, 2012

Former student says Glenville bungled rape case | The West Virginia Record

CLARKSBURG - A former Glenville State College student is alleging campus police failed to properly investigate her claim she was raped two years ago following an improptu party in her dormitory.

The College, and Daniel Bell, chief of its public safety department, are named as co-defendants in a civil rights suit filed by Amanda Smith.  In her complaint filed Sept. 17 in U.S. District Court, Smith, 21, of Mineral Wells, says campus police not only failed to conduct the most routine of investigation into her allegation she was sexually assaulted by a fellow student in 2010, but also lost important evidence.

Additionally, Smith alleges hers is not the first time either campus police or GSC officials have shown deliberate indiffernce toward alleged rape victims.

For more on this story, go to The West Virginia Record.

Photo:  State and Glenville State officials dedicate Goodwin Hall as GSC's newest dormitory on Aug. 19, 2010.  In her lawsuit filed Monday, fromer student Amanda Smith alleges she was raped there less than a month later, and campus police failed in their duty to conduct a proper investigation.